Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dress Up Felt Dolls

My youngest granddaughter is 3 years old and she LOVES to play with paper dolls, magnetic dolls and any doll that you can dress and undress and dress and undress and dress and undress.  Get the picture. 

So, I go online via Pinterest looking for easy dolls to make.  I came across these felt dolls.  Yep, I can do this.  Off to Michaels I go for a variety of felt.  Everything else I had. 

I followed the instructions, sort of, making a few adjustments along the way.  Plus, even though I bought sticky felt, as instructed, and read the instructions several times, I couldn't find where or how to use it.  Oh well, added it to my stash.

Here is my felt doll.  I just know she is going to LOVE playing with it.  Maybe, I will cut out one more doll, every girl needs a friend. 

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